Systemic wins LIFT award, new version of Systemic (2.17)

I am very happy to announce that Systemic has been awarded the LIFT grant. This means that, together with my colleagues Joel Green and Randi Ludwig, I will be able to work full-time — instead of as a side project — on improving and expanding Systemic, and creating new educational apps like Systemic Live and Super Planet Crash, over the next year!

I am also releasing a new release of Systemic 2 (2.17) which addresses some bugs and improves the documentation for installation on Linux. You can download it now.

Below are some of the changes:

– NEW: ktable function for listing the fit values as a table, suitable for exporting to TeX or HTML
– NEW: Bayesian Information Criterion menu item
– NEW: Quadratic trend term
– CHANGED: Periodograms report the normalized power between 0 < p < 1, where power = 1 is a perfect fit. — This is a bug corrected in 2.172.
– FIXED: bug where the semi-amplitude would be calculated incorrectly for massive bodies. (credit: Trifon Trifonov)
– FIXED: bug in simplex that would crash the application if the minimizer encountered a NaN value.
– FIXED: bug in the GUI that would crash the application in case of excessive text output.
– FIXED: Fixed naming of columns in the matrix returned by kdata().
– FIXED: bug where the radial velocity curve or periodogram would look excessively jagged.
– FIXED: bug in kperiodogram.boot where the function could crash.
– FIXED: bug in kperiodogram.boot where the function would only calculate the ‘full’ periodogram (instead of the periodogram of residuals) for certain inputs.
– FIXED: bug in the GUI periodogram routine, where you could receive an error for certain power spectra.
– FIXED: Kernel plot using plot() respects the chosen xlim.
– FIXED: MCMC would crash in certain situations when set up from the menu.
– FIXED: 1LO-crossval returns the signed sum of logs, instead of the absolute value.
– FIXED: clarified the installation instructions (Readme.txt) for Linux. (credit: Franz Feldtkeller)
– FIXED: you can now choose a path for R that is not /usr/bin/R by selecting Help -> Set path to R…
– FIXED: F-test menu item uses the current kernel instead of the kernel named “k”.
– Various bug-fixes in the plotting routines.

Bugs reported at are unfortunately still open due to lack of time to address them. They will be fixed in 2.18.